“Markets Are Getting More Efficient” - Victorio Stefanov, TRADEPRO Academy

Kyle and Victorio (Vico) Stefanov explore a range of trading topics, from market outlooks to the impact of prop firms and the efficiency of current markets. Vico shares his experiences trading in Europe, discussing the calmness of the European session and the challenges with prop firms, especially the need for consistent payouts. They delve into current market dynamics and economic indicators, explaining how these factors influence trading strategies.

Vico and Kyle also examine the complexities of market dynamics, touching on inflation, tariffs, and the Federal Reserve's role in shaping economic forecasts. They discuss the concept of black swan events and their market impact, as well as the psychology behind trading strategies. Additionally, Vico shares insights from his mentorship program at TradePro Academy, which helps traders develop a solid understanding of the markets.

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Our podcast is sponsored by Sue Maki at Fairway Independent Mortgage (MLS# 206048). Licensed in 38 states, if you need anything mortgage-related, reach out to her at SMaki@fairwaymc.com or give her a call at (520) 977-7904. Tell her 2 Bulls sent you to get the best rates available!

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Victorio started trading with George Papazov in 2015/2016 as an early member of TRADEPRO Academy, after his dad happened to meet him in a Starbucks (he may have spilled coffee on him). Victorio was a lost college student at the time in Engineering, hating it but not knowing what to do. After befriending George, he was convinced to get into trading and switched his degree to Financial Services. Victorio traded throughout college, and ended up paying for some of his schooling through options swing trading using some of his government loan (blowing 50% of it at first)

*Note from Victorio and 2 Bulls: Please don't risk your tuition on options!*

While still in college, he then transitioned to futures day trading. There was a big learning curve in futures, but he eventually started making money about one year in (2018). While Victorio still trades futures here and there, he found that he was risking a little too much for comfort. Forever a student, he still works on his futures craft but recently flipped back to options. He day trade options now will pretty good success and swing trades common stock, with a focus on large caps and growth companies.

If you'd like to hear more about Victorio's trading strategies and ideas, he frequently posts on Twitter and is active in TRADEPRO Academy's Discord Server

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