“Reading is Our Big Superpower” - Ft. John Cousins

This week on The Band of Traders, Kyle welcomes John Cousins, an investor, tech founder, bestselling author of over 60 books, and creator of MBA-ASAP.com. Together, they dive into the art of lifelong learning, how to unlearn outdated beliefs, and adapting to a rapidly changing world. John shares his journey from teaching finance to founding companies and reveals how understanding first principles and probabilistic thinking can transform trading, investing, and decision-making.

The conversation also touches on the challenges of public markets, the power of combining human intuition with technology, and the surprising parallels between poker, chess, and trading. With humor, wisdom, and practical advice, this episode offers a treasure trove of lessons for anyone navigating the intersections of business, creativity, and personal growth.

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University professor John Cousins got fed up with the student debt crisis, so he released his entire MBA course for a fraction of the cost to level the playing field. John is also a best-selling author, entrepreneur, speaker, investor, and professor who has taken two companies public shares all the theory, strategies and thinking patterns he picked up along the way.

John’s Books on Amazon
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“You Don’t Have to Do Anything Stupid…”


"A Trend Break Gives You Structure… Let The Market Come to You."