2 Bulls Podcast: We Prefer Our Assets Liquid...

This week in the China Shop, weak demand in the treasury bond market raises red flags, new short selling rules from the SEC finally arrive and Dan wonders why Jamie Dimon is always in the news. In Stock News, wildfires are ruining Wendy's lettuce supplies and the IRS hits MSFT with a massive tax bill after they transferred their IP to Puerto Rico. Over in the Crypto Corner, Grayscale looks like they'll get their BTC ETF and even more details are coming out at the FTX trial. Week one of October's Bet is in the books and everyone is green!

2 Bulls in a China Shop: 10/13/23

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Markets Down with Data and Geopolitics
SEC Finalizing Rule Changes after Meme Mania
Weak Demand in Treasury Bond Auction
Jamie Dimon Making Headlines Again...
Wendy's to Grow More Lettuce Indoors
IRS Hits MSFT with $29B Tax Bill after Audit
Ford Done Negotiating, Best Offer Has Been Made
Man Faces 4 Years in Prison After Stealing Teslas
SEC Deadline on Grayscale's BTC ETF Decision is Friday
FTX Transferred $500M Crypto to USB to Protect from Hackers
FTX Recordings Make Everyone but the New Guy Look Bad

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