2 Bulls Podcast: BofA Revises Recession Forecast while Traders are Holding in Natural Gas

This week China Shop the guys try to make sense of all the Fed speakers from the past week, traders are hoarding Natural Gas in the sea and Bank of America revises its recession forecast for 2022. In Stock News, SNAP throws shade at META and a former DIS exec claims to have backed out of a TWTR deal over bots too. Over in the Crypto Corner, Elon's DOGE lawsuit expands and Kyle gets an update on the Voyager situation. Two weeks into the new Bet format, neither want to jinx the recent run of success!

2 Bulls in a China Shop: 09/09/22

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Powell Affirms Need to Act Strongly to Fight Inflation
Waller Sees "Significant" Rate Hike This Month
BofA Revises Recession Forecast
Traders Hoarding NG at Sea
Americans More Confident in Financial Knowledge Despite the Evidence
SNAP CEO Doesn't Get META's Plan
Bob Iger Also Backed Out of a Deal with Twitter over Bots
Voyager Update Tweet
Musk's $258 Billion Dogecoin Lawsuit Expands

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James Woodall: CFP and Founder of Woodall Wealth Management


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