2 Bulls Podcast: Musk Insinuates Dump, Woods Prefers Pump

This week in the China Shop, much of the discussion is centered on the latest CPI report and whether or not inflation has peaked, before moving on to Russia's "partial default" and Cathie Woods' response to critics. In Stocks and Options, Elon's TWTR buyout offer contains hints of an ominous threat and Dan starts sharing sector overviews from his daily research. Over in the Crypto Corner, proof emerges that Jack Dorsey's words aren't worth much and in The Bet, Kyle and Random try to chip away at a big lead.

2 Bulls in a China Shop: 04/15/22

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CPI Data Worse than Expected
Has Inflation Already Peaked?
EU Central Bank May End Bond Buying Sooner
China's Lockdowns Bigger Inflation Risk vs 2020
Russia Defaults on Debt
Putin Warns Europe that Switching from Russian Oil Will be Very Painful
Cathie Woods Snaps Back at Critics
Twitter Board Adopts Poison Pill
Teen Tracking Elon's Jet Reacts to Buyout Offer
Jack Dorsey's First Tweet NFT Put up for Sale
Crypto Bosses Say Tide is Turning on Regulation

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Derrick Oldensmith: Vice President of Trading and Education at T3 Live


Herald van der Linde: Author of Asia's Stock Markets from the Ground Up