2 Bulls Podcast: Rate Hike Inline, AMC Buys Gold Mine
This week in the China Shop, Dan and Kyle look at the recent Fed decision to raise rates for the first time since 2018, as well as the pullback in oil futures and the Nickle squeeze. In Stocks and Options, AMC makes an odd investment, AMZN closes on its merger with MGM and Toyota pauses production. Over in the Crypto Corner, Senator Warren introduces a bill aimed at stopping Russia from circumventing sanctions via crypto assets, but is it really necessary? Once again, Random has taken a commanding lead and the guys will need a homerun in the next two weeks to have a chance in this month's bet.
2 Bulls in a China Shop: 03/18/22
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Fed Officials Hint at Faster Rate Hikes than Expected
Oil Down 4% This Week, New Highs Likely?
IEA Issues Oil Emergency Plan
Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan for Oil Sales
Investor Behavior in Europe Mirroring Market's Worst Crises
Commodities Markets Facing Liquidity Issues
AMC Buys 22% Stake in Hycroft Mining
AMZN Closes MGM Merger
Toyota Intentionally Pausing Production
Senator Warren Proposes Digital Assest Sanctions Bill
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