2 Bulls Podcast: Cathie Woods Gets Mad and the Glut of Crypto Ads
This week in the China Shop, Ukraine retains its top spot in relevant news... Also of interest, shale oil producers plan to limit production even if oil surpasses $150/barrel and a new rule is adopted at the Fed banning top officials from owning individual stocks or cryptos. In Stocks and Options, Cathie Woods thinks investors are making a big mistake, the DKNG CEO dismisses its current price drop and Chamath quits SPCE. Rounding out this week's watchlist is HZNP and BMY. Over in the Crypto Corner, Coinbase's Superbowl ad leads to massive downloads and Ukraine takes steps to legalize Bitcoin. With one week left in the bet, it's time to take some risks!
2 Bulls in a China Shop: 02/18/22
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More Ukraine News
Shale Giants Claim They Won't Increase Outputs
BMO Strategy Chief Remains Uber Bullish
Top Fed Officials Banned from Owning Individual Stocks, Crypto
Cathie Woods Thinks Investors are Massively Misallocating Capital
DKNG CEO Dismisses Recent Plunge
Chamath Quits SPCE
Superbowl Ads Boosted Crypto App Downloads by 279%
Ukraine Parliament Okays Legalization of Bitcoin and Other Cryptos
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