2 Bulls Podcast: Musk Feels Snubbed & China Fight Club

This week in the China Shop, we look at the prospects of rate hikes following the Fed meeting, the Ukraine situation intensifies and Dan continues to poke at Turkey. In Stocks and Options, AAPL beats earnings expectations and TSLA's Elon calls the President a mean name. Rounding out our watchlist is CFG, COF and JNJ. Over in the Crypto Corner, the IMF pops up again, this time asking El Salvador to stop using BTC as their legal tender. It's the end of the month, which means it's time to wrap up January's Bet and figure out some consequences.

2 Bulls in a China Shop: 01/28/21

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Minn Fed President Says March Hikes on the Table
Hedge Fund Investment Chief Thinks Markets Must Drop Another 20% before Fed Intervenes
US General Warns of Outcome if Russian Forces Unleashed in Ukraine
Most Popular Housing Markets Have an Inflation Problem
Turkey's "Low Key" Interventions
Independent Turkey Economists Face Court Action over Inflation Figures
Apple Earnings
Musk Calls Biden "Damp Sock Puppet..."
Paul Krugman Compares BTC to Subprime
IMF Asks El Salvador to Remove BTC as Legal Tender
China Gives Fight Club a New Ending

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