2 Bulls Podcast: Learn, Laugh, Lose

In the first show of 2022, Dan and Kyle look at the latest FOMC notes speculate whether the Fed really will raise rates and taper and reduce assets, before looking at some odd currency "stabilization" practices in Turkey. In Stocks and Options, Ford hits a 2 decade high thanks to a strong 4th quarter and GME officially enters the NFT arena, while BMY and ACI make our watchlist. Over in the Crypto Corner, shutdowns in Kazakhstan are getting blamed for the drop in Bitcoin while Goldman Sachs issues a bullish stance. In the first bet of the new year, we go to our discord to fill in for random.

2 Bulls in a China Shop: 01/07/21

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Rate Hikes Likely in March
Fed Scaring Markets with Triple Threat
Not Everyone Believes the Fed Will Follow Through with Plan
Turkish Central Bank Sold Nearly $728b in 5 Market Interventions
GME to Create NFT Marketplace
Ford 2021 Sales Fall but Ends Year with Strong 4Q
Bitcoin Plunges after Shutdown in Kazakhstan
GS Says Bitcoin Set to Take Further Market Share from Gold

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