2 Bulls Podcast: Musk May Retire as Inflation goes Higher

This week in the China Shop we look at the latest CPI numbers, muse over Musk's latest tweet and try to figure out why Canada is so pissed off. We also talk about Gensler's targeting of SPAC disclosures and a certain CEO's dickish move. In Stocks and Trading, Dan pokes the ape with a story about AMC and Intel rushes to Taiwan after making some ill advised comments about it's stability before we look at the charts for COF and BABA. In Crypto, a new startup makes headlines and the meme machine trolls a congressman. One week into the final bet of the year and one of the guys makes a surprising pick!

2 Bulls in a China Shop: 12/10/21

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CPI Numbers for November, Inflation Highest in 39 Years
Musk Considering Leaving TSLA to Become Influencer?
Canada Upset over EV Tax Credits in Biden's BBB Plan
Gensler Seeking Tougher SPAC Disclosure Liability Rules
Better.com CEO Lays Off Hundreds, Accuses Many of 'Stealing'
INTC CEO Visits Taiwan for Talks Crucial to Turnaround Bid
AMC Insiders Selling Stock
Vivopower Subsidiary Caret to Launch Solar Powered Crypto Mining Business
Crypto Meme Machine Kicks into Gear After Congressman's Joke

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