2 Bulls Podcast: Fed has No Urgency, Crypto Not Currency??
In this week's episode, Kyle and Dan talk about inflation and labor shortages (again) before speculating on next week's Fed meeting. Dan also looks at a growing housing crisis in China. In stocks and trading, the guys discuss last weeks moves and take a deeper look at Intel and Pfizer. European Central Bank President makes the bold claim that cryptos are not currencies and Elon accidentally sends another coin skyrocketing in the Crypto corner. Playing from behind, Kyle swings for the fences in The Bet as time runs out!
2 Bulls in a China Shop: 09/18/21
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Inflation Challenges Markets ahead of Fed Meeting
Drug Testing Abandoned to Combat Labor Shortages
Investors Swap Cash for Stocks ahead of Fed Meeting
China's Evergrande Crisis Rattles Economy
Pfizer Recalls Chantix for Increased Cancer Risk
Intel Fighting Back Against AMD
Musk Sends Floki Themed Coins Soaring with Tweet
Over $1 Billion Ether Burned since Hard Fork Upgrade
Crypto Assets not Currencies per Euro Bank President
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