2 Bulls Podcast: Melvin Capital Losses, Ryan Cohen Bosses
In this week's episode, Dan and Kyle discuss Biden's infrastructure plan and the hurdles it faces along with Amazon's unionization vote. We also touch on Ryan Cohen's new appointment and Melvin Capitals staggering losses last quarter. We also changed our format and swapped the Stocks and Options segments with Investing and Trading (songs to be updated soon!) In this new format, Kyle talks about his plan to replace his income by selling options premiums. With a new month, we have a new bet and someone takes a big lead!
2 Bulls in a China Shop: 04/10/21
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This week's poll question:
This week's #poll question:
What is the biggest threat to #Amazon's workforce?@JeffBezos #investing #podcast #2bullsinachinashop #Stock #stockmarkets #Union #Robotics— 2 Bulls in a China Shop (@FinancialInept1) April 11, 2021
Per the conditions of the March bet, here's a picture of Dan's car, minus all the trash that usually accompanies it!
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Infrastructure Hurdles
Amazon Unionization vote
GME names Cohen Chairman
Beginner Bonus Episodes:
Intro to the Stock Market
Options 101
Covered Calls How To
Month End Reviews:
March 2021
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