2 Bulls Podcast: Archegos Bye-Bye, EV Chargers Multiply
In this week's episode, Dan and Kyle discuss the downfall of Archegos Capital, the latest Jobs report numbers, and new infrastructure spending. In stocks, Kyle contemplates going big in one particular company. In options, Dan finally admits defeat in his strangle/straddle experiment. We also find out the bet winner for March, and someone isn't too happy about it!
2 Bulls in a China Shop: 04/03/21
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This week's poll question:
This week's #2bullsinachinashop #Poll question:
Will #marijuana be decriminalized within the next 18 months by Congress?#LegalizeIt #potstocks #podcast #wallstreetbets #PodcastRecommendations #cannabis #EasterSunday— 2 Bulls in a China Shop (@FinancialInept1) April 4, 2021
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Enthusiast Gaming Holdings
Archegos Margin Call
SLR Expires 3/31
$174 Billion for EVs in Infrastructure Plan
Latest Jobs Report
AMC to Ask Shareholders to Issue 500M New Shares
ATT Lobbies Against Fiber??
Quiver Quantitive
Beginner Bonus Episodes:
Intro to the Stock Market
Options 101
Through an agreement with a third party, Financial Ineptitude, Inc was paid $110 on 4/3/21 through 4/5/21 to write this promotional content for Enthusiast Gaming Holdings, Inc. (CSE:EGLX)(OTC:ENGMF), which contains affiliate links. We are not licensed to give financial advice and nothing in this article should be construed as such. Please do your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
*Kyle purchased shares on 4/1 prior to the release of this episode
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