2 Bulls Podcast: GameStop 2: Electric Boogaloo

Gamestop Squeezed Again

In this week's episode, Dan and Kyle talk about the possible causes of GME's second short squeeze, the change in bond rates, and the effects both had on the Nasdaq last week. They also discussed CCIV and Lucid's merger announcement and Virgin Galactic bad press. After a rough week for both their portfolios, they each took a hard look at their progress so far and discussed their plans to improve their options trading moving forward. Also, the monthly bet consequences are handed out.

2 Bulls in a China Shop: 02/27/21

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Our podcast is sponsored by Sue Pullen at Fairway Independent Mortgage (MLS# 206048). Licensed in 25 states, if you need anything mortgage-related, reach out to her at SPullen@fairwaymc.com. Tell her 2 Bulls sent you to get the best rates available!

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GME and the Laws of 2 and 3
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